What is Founders Club?

Founders Club is an exclusive invite-only or referral-only membership group of experienced Founders and other entrepreneurs that share expertises, ask for help and provide contacts.

Why Founders Club?

There are way too many events to attend nowadays and, since everyone is focused on their personal and professional objectives, the networking quality is dropping faster than a speeding ticket. Founders Club aims to foster quality networking throughout bi-/monthly activities that join all Club members.

How can I become a member?

Founders Club has restricted access – you can either be invited to join Founders Club or ask for a referral of a current Club member. Note that we wish to provide the best peer-to-peer networking and invitation and referral-only application allow us to achieve that. A strong endorsement is gold!

Founders Club, with the help of members, accepts or invites only the individuals that are believed to be amazing! So the ones who’s life experience will be a great asset to other Founders Club members and that will love to learn from the other members as well.

Additional questions

Contact us: [email protected]